A coach offers advice to a chlld

Safeguarding and Welfare

Helping keep others safe in football in Lancashire

The safety and well-being of all under-18 participants in the county is of utmost importance to us.

Our fantastic Safeguarding team strives to ensure that children involved in grassroots football in Lancashire are protected and happy while playing the beautiful game.

They are always on hand to answer any queries or help address any issues.

From here you will have access to advice and guidance on a range of subjects, such as Criminal Record Checks, reporting concerns, social media and inclusion.

We want to help clubs in Lancashire create a safe environment for their young players, so please get in touch if you need our assistance.

Are you concerned about your welfare or the welfare of someone else? Then take a look at the National Crime Agency's CEOP page here.

Contact Details

Neil Yates

Head of Safeguarding 

01772 954232

Chris Doherty

Designated Safeguarding Officer

01772 644271

If our Safeguarding Officers are not available, please contact Rachael Murphy on 01772 624000.

Jackie Day-Garner

Board Safeguarding and Safety Champion

NSPCC 24-hour helpline

0808 800 5000


Visit the links below to either take the England Football Learning Safeguarding Children Course, or, if you have taken the course already, head to Safeguarding Children Recertification to renew your qualification.

FA Safeguarding Children Workshop

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