sporting memories

334 Step Journey for Sporting Memories

Members of the weekly session and staff from Lancashire FA took part in the challenge

Staff from Lancashire FA and members of the weekly Sporting Memories group took to the stand this week, in a special stepping challenge.

On completion of the 334 step challenge, the same distance it takes to climb Big Ben in London,  Sport England will assist in helping fund and introduce more sporting memorabilia, through their Active Aging Initiative. This will assist further during the Sporting Memories groups, helping those living with dementia and/or loneliness and depression, by rekindling old memories from sporting events gone by.

Lancashire FA’s Football Development Officer, Andrew Whitaker, said:  “Lancashire FA is honoured to be working in partnership with the Sporting Memoires network, delivering a weekly network session at our headquarters.”

“The network of volunteers supporting people living with dementia has been one of the key factors in the group’s development that now welcomes between 15 and 20 people everyone week. The group has been sharing interesting sporting memories resonating in powerful conversations and taking people on journeys of their past.”

To learn more about the Sporting Meories session, contact Andrew Whitaker at